Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Art of . . . Confidence

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint", then by all means paint.  And that voice will be silenced. - Vincent Van Gogh

I remember when I hung my first canvases on the walls at Earthworks.  I had always been more of the crafty girl - never the creative.  And never on canvas.  But the more I watched and learned, the more my confidence grew.  Dewey took my first completed canvas and wouldn't let me hang it - he wanted to keep it for himself.  That was a nice confidence booster.  But when I sold my first canvas - to a "real" artist (it said so on his card!), I was a happy girl.

Sometimes, however, there's not time to gather exhortations from our loved ones or a somewhat adoring public.  At times, we need to have and exude instant confidence through a tough moment. it could be an irritated customer, a snooty artist, a mad husband (lol), a fuming boss.  It could be the fear of doing something new - giving your first presentation, performing on stage, or having someone ask you about a piece of art created by you! A few things I do when I'm faced with a new or stressful situation.

  • Slow your breathing down.  When we get excited we tend to breathe faster and harder.  When we need our confidence not to be tempered with our emotions, slow that breathing down.  Your thoughts become clearer and your confidence shines through.  

  • SMILE!  Yes, I swear.  Even if you force it at first, a smile will reflect through to others and then back on you again.  And who is not more confident than when people are smiling back at you.  
  • Listen to music.  I always, always have music playing in the store.  Uplifting tunes, nostalgic melodies, quirky country songs (chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, SPIT) increase your level of happiness, and allow you to maintain your decorum when you need it.
Just a few thing that work in the moment for me.  



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