Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's kinda like those few chapters in the Twilight Sage . . .

August – blank page

September – blank page

Now, midway through October I’m finding a balance in the new order of life.   So, we’ll pick up where we left off.  

I started work in the administrative side of beautiful local vineyard in August, and that’s been fun.  What a lot there is to learn about wine?  I thought all you had to do was like it and drink it.  It’s a great place.  The young folks that run it are energetic and passionate about their business, and it’s refreshing.  And the lovely couple that owns the vineyard are hands on and engaged as well.  Also refreshing.   For my part, it gives me a peace of mind that is hard to get in these difficult economic times . . .LOL.  (I LOL because I think I sounded like a politician there)

At EarthWorks,  Clarinne helped us out by taking over the perch for me for a bit and then we welcomed Ciara to the crew in September. We think she’s a keeper.   Dewey can’t stop singing her praise, although at first he was very leery to hire another “youngster”.  Well, she’s exceeding our expectations and hasn’t been caught texting in the store room with a store full of people  once (ya’ll remember that story and that former employee, right?)  Stop by and say hello to her during the week –but don’t forget to visit me on nights and weekends!

Dewey is doing great too, making folks homes pretty during the day and taking over the perch from Ciara most evenings. 

Our artists – WOW.  After a slow, sleepy summer they have been showing up with fall and winter stock that you just won’t believe until you see it.  Word to the wise – do your holiday shopping early, and don’t hesitate when you see that one “just right” piece. 

It’s nice to be back in touch.  Now that I’ve found my groove with my new life I really am going to try hard to keep all of this communication up!

And now, I’m off to see if Dewey has a new chapter of his book done! (And I hear Erin is close to finishing the Lucian saga - woot!)

