Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Head West, Young Man (and woman)! Or: Mom & Pop Move to Lovettsville

Do not plant your dreams in the field of indecision, where nothing ever grows but the weeds of "what-if."  ~Dodinsky

Well, that's quite true isn't it?  And Lord knows that Dewey & I don't linger long when a question begins with "What if . . . ?".  We brainstorm and beat eachother's brains with our points of view.  

Finally, then, we lay our opinions out as though they were two maps to the same location.   And the spots that agree are our decision.  For those of you who have witnessed Dew & I resolve a "what if" scenario this way, from the type of cookies to serve at an event or the way a piece hangs on a wall it is quite the ride sometimes!  (But that's a digression to another topic for another day, which will be "What happens when two A-types come together in love and in business")

As many know, Dew & I have spent the last year or making our home in Western Loudoun.  We hoped we would love it, and we do.  It's spacious and quiet, and pleasing to the eye.   Naturally, then was born the question "What if EarthWorks were relocated to Western Loudoun?".  The decision is a result of a long study of facts and emotions and fears.  In the end, we decided that emotions and fears would be checked at the door.  Facts won the day, and we believe it to be a wise decision (both business and personally) to move the store to Lovettsville, VA.  

And I just heard that - a collective "What?  Did she say Lovettsville?".  Why yes, I did.  Wineries, antiques, artsy-folk, the best of Loudoun with a market into Southern Maryland and even West-By-God-Virginia!  Mayfest, Arbor Day, Movies on the Green, Oktoberfest and so much more brings folks to Lovettsville, and it is bringing us there as well!

We now call home the historic Potterfield House  - over 1800 square feet in 8 spacious rooms will make a superb back drop for the beautiful things we and our artisans bring folks.  And you know your spot is cool when it has it's own "Cat's Meow" (and ours does!!)

Here's how it will go:

Last day open in Leesburg, VA -            04/13/13
First day of open in Lovettsville, VA  - 04/20/13

I'll be posting pictures of our progress for the next few weeks so you can keep up with the excitement of paint drying!  And who ever laid bets that Dewey would actually paint the walls the colors we "agreed" on loses.  Not a single room or color is as agreed.  But, as you know (and so do I) he was right.  It's looking awesome!

Peace, Love & A Salmon Colored Wall -



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