Thursday, August 9, 2012

Opportunities for Joy!

Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf clovers.  ~Author Unknown

One of the greatest things about the daily interactions at EarthWorks are the opportunities.  Not just opportunities for us (we seize them before they fly by), but the opportunities we give.  And I'm not talking about the sale of a product translating into dollar bills. I"m talking about the feeling you get when someone chooses something you created.  Wow!

We've all applied for a job  and won it before.  Then you sit down with your training manual and a trainer and start to learn how to execute your job the way someone else (your boss) like it done. It's quite another to put your creativity on a wall or a table with a price tag and your name on it.  There is no manual for that, and it's as scary as any stage fright I ever experienced in front any crowd (singing OR speaking).

When you walk into EarthWorks and begin to think maybe you can give this whole artist thing a try (usually because Dewey has been badgering you for a bit), it is far scarier than any job you'll ever apply for.  In pop culture terms, you wonder if you'll end up being that horrific singer on the Idol auditions that everyone talks about the next day BUT you also dream that you might just be the Next Big Thing. 

But that's where we come in to help. And our favorite days are when we sign new artisans that have never "put themselves out there" before.  That gives me the opportunity to give them a call and say "Guess what?  We just broke the ice on your work . . . ".  Even big burly men will squeal with joy, and that is far better than dollar bills, ya'll. 

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